Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I don't know anything. I don't know if I should start crying or feeling relieved because you go away and I will won't be able to avoid missing you. I don't know if I should be happy because now I am going to look all the men I want to look, I can go out and flirt, or feel misserable because my eyes won't see you and my heart will be drowning in pain and anger because I don't know what you're doing.
How long can my eyes resist without seeing you, how long can my lips hold on without kissing you, how long can my body survive without making love to you, how long can my soul stand up without your breathing...
How long can your love last before you betray me, again, in the same way or in a different way...
I love you, but if I began hating you... it would be such a big and painful hate for both of us... so harming, so poisonish.
Help me God to resist all this time without my un-reasonable heart and let me survive with this bleeding hole in my chest.

0 "yo opino's":