Wednesday, October 25, 2006

If Thomas leaves me with this "I-want-some-more" taste, I won't stay here sitting, thinking about the fact that I do want and need more from Thomas, I will seek food to easy my hunger and my anger. Because doesn't matter what he does, where he goes, how much we fuck, we hate, we like, we kill each other, it will never be enough, he will never leave, he will never hate me, I will never hate him, we will never dislike each other, we can't kill us, we can't die.
Another smell erases yours, other hands can always fill the space you leave. And now I am tired of screwing with someone who will never be Thomas, who will never leave the taste you leave, but who can make me feel tired of getting laid, so tired that I fall asleep and there won't be more Thomas even in my dreams. And for a while, I will forget about you, I'll go on my way and you'll be a surprise once more.
Now next time I close my eyes, and there's somebody-who-is-not-you above/under/behind me I won't remember about you.

0 "yo opino's":