Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Based on your drawing and the 10 answers you gave this is a summary of your personality:
You are sensitive and indecisive at times. You are a freedom lover and a strong person. You love your house and family. You are a gifted artist as well. Once you have a problem, you need a friend with you. Your life is always full of changes. You are very tidy person. There's nothing wrong with that because you're pretty popular among friends. Your life is always full of changes.

You will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible. You love excitement and create it wherever you go. You see the world as it is, not as you believe it should be.

You added a flower into your drawing. The flower signifies that you long for love. It also safe to say that others don't see you as a flirt. You don't think much about yourself.


Monday, October 30, 2006

Thomas: Hey! I wanted to tell you something about the other night

Me: Yes, tell me

Thomas: two things, I really had a good time and I feel so relieved that you didn't feel something else about it

Me: sure, I'm not 15 any long

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

If Thomas leaves me with this "I-want-some-more" taste, I won't stay here sitting, thinking about the fact that I do want and need more from Thomas, I will seek food to easy my hunger and my anger. Because doesn't matter what he does, where he goes, how much we fuck, we hate, we like, we kill each other, it will never be enough, he will never leave, he will never hate me, I will never hate him, we will never dislike each other, we can't kill us, we can't die.
Another smell erases yours, other hands can always fill the space you leave. And now I am tired of screwing with someone who will never be Thomas, who will never leave the taste you leave, but who can make me feel tired of getting laid, so tired that I fall asleep and there won't be more Thomas even in my dreams. And for a while, I will forget about you, I'll go on my way and you'll be a surprise once more.
Now next time I close my eyes, and there's somebody-who-is-not-you above/under/behind me I won't remember about you.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I almost didn't notice it had been you all the time. The lights of the city didn't let me recognize you straight ahead. I never thought you'd be back somehow, in somebody else's body. I never brought to my mind the idea of you and I under the shiny orange lights. I thought I had lost you for good. But you've always chosen the right bodies, the right hands, the right lips, but not yet the perfect way for not seeing you again, for not leaving me with this bigger void that I know you don't think you'd cause every time you come and go. You've always left this taste of "I want some more", you never tell me when you'll be back again, in which body, in which corner of my mind I'll find you again.
You kissed me with the perfect kiss, in the perfect place, away from everybody, with the perfect light and the perfect noise. Your hands on my hips told me that it was definitely you. And I couldn't say no when you asked me to stay with you that night, I couldn't desire going back home because all my desire were you, Thomas. Yes, finally it was you knocking at my door again, asking me to let you in, to be one with you, to please each other.
Were your hands on my back, your fingers on my waist under the clothes, your nails on my legs, your lips on my glass, and I couldn't think of anything else but making you mine, for a second that won't make a difference and won't last but a second.
I want to repeat every single second of you, Thomas, being mine, in all your different bodies. I'm still hungry of you, it will never be enough, I will always live with the memories and the anxiety of the times I've found you, the bodies I've fucked thinking it was you all the time, all the emptiness you leave, when suddenly, in the middle of the night, you abandon that body and there's nothing else left for me but missing you and being totally lost in that corner where you've left me wondering when you'll be back again, if you get back.

¡¿Qué mejor?!

"El hambre es la sensación que indica la necesidad de alimento." "El alimento es la sustancia normalmente comida o bebida por seres vivos", y, "un ser vivo es un conjunto de átomos y moléculas que forman una estructura material muy organizada y compleja, en la que intervienen sistemas de comunicación molecular, que se relaciona con el medio ambiente con un intercambio de materia y energía de una forma ordenada y que desempeña las funciones básicas de la vida que son la nutrición, la relación y la reproducción, de tal manera que los seres vivos actúan y funcionan por sí mismos sin perder su nivel estructural".

Soy un ser vivo, hambriento en busca de alimentos.

El hambre toca una vez más la puerta del deseo, que para hoy no es nada más que un espacio sin modo de ser llenado. Se supone que el hambre es producido por ciertas sustancias que ejercen estímulos en el cerebro, más, este tipo de hambre baja desde la estructura de mi sinapsis hacia este otro espacio vacío que todo el día ruega por calma, comida, atención y otras cosas.
Pero si el alimento le toca la puerta al hambre, ésta no duda un segundo en abrirle la puerta y tomar con uñas y todo cada partícula de alimento ofrecida.
Ven alimento que el hambre te va a comer.
Antes de ser devorado, el alimento quiere verle el rostro al hambre. Le acaricia la cintura, el cuello y los pechos, besa su boca, acaricia su pelo, rellena espacios irrellenables en el vacío de ésta. Todo y más sabiendo que al ser devorado el devenir no cambiará.
Todo fluirá de la misma manera, yo seguré teniendo hambre, tu también. Ni todas las veces que nos embriaguemos y comamos cambiarán esta historia.
A veces quisiera regresar a cada uno de mis banquetes, donde por un segundo no sentí más hambre, sino cansancio de tanto comer y creer que realmente me saciaba.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Cayó nieve nueva, y en mi vida, todo seguía casi igual.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Yo soy calamardina!!!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

My bed's full of takeaways and fantasies
Of easy lays

"And you know and you know
Cos my life's a mess
And I'm trying to grow so before
I'm old I'll confess
You think that I'm strong you're wrong
You're wrong
I'll sing my song my song my song"

¡Y qué tanto! Igual terminé por ir al bullado concierto de Robbie Williams, lo pasé "shansho", canté, bailé and I didn't give a fucking shit about that!!! besides, I wasn't expecting to go.
Si hay algo que Robbie, me & other people tenemos en común es ese enorme vacío que ni siquiera un estadio con 55.000 personas aplaudiendo cualquier idiotéz puede llenar.
You're fucking bueno Robbie!!! Muy washón, y ese amiguito que lo acompañó en medio del show, muy washón...
Estrellas otorgadas: * * * * *
Copetes: 1 chela
Pitos: 0
Canciones que canté: Todas, tal y como si tuviese 15 again
Llamadas inoportunas: 2
Minos en mi sector: muuuuuuuchos, lamentablemente varios de ellos ya ocupados (si no digo yo... los hombres son como los baños...)
Minas weonas siendo subidas a las pobres espaldas de sus pololos: demasiadas, y ojalá que se pudran todas las perras.
Minos que aweonadamente se echan a sus weonas pololas a la espalda para dárselas de galanes y mulas de carga: muchos pobres weones
Nivel de alegría personal
: Alto

PS: Igual ya se fue Robbie y no me lo comí, maybe in my next life time.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Una imagen
Dice MÁS que MIL palabras

Varias imágenes dicen más de lo que necesitaba y quería saber.

That's it!


"La curiosidad mató al gato"
Este gato quería morir.

¡¡¡Ya le encontré el "pero" que andaba buscando!!!
Y sigo siendo feliz.